America’s criminal justice system has been criticized for many things, among them its apparent racial bias. Minority individuals, particularly African Americans, have been incarcerated disproportionately to their percentage in the general population. Race sensitivity training in correctional settings has become more common, and in the umbrella of the Black Lives Matter movement, racism has once again become a topic of public interest, moreso in light of Robin DiAngelo’s popular book White Fragility (DiAngelo, 2018), in which she discusses why it is so difficult for white people to talk about racism; a social structure that emerges “when a racial group’s collective prejudice is backed by the … [Read more...] about Contextualizing Criminal Justice in America by Understanding America’s Caste System: A Book Review
IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for March/April 2021
IACFP Board meeting, held virtually on 28 January 2021. L to R: Emma Black Regan, Cherie Townsend, Jim DeGroot, Diane Williams, Melvin Hinton, Frank Porporino, Dick Althouse, Gabriel Ong, Javel Jackson, Maureen Alley, Jeff Pfeifer, Jeff Metzner, Sarah Shelton, Matt Epperson, and Silvia Martinez. We've compiled top highlights from IACFP events, international research, and world news for our March/April IACFP International News summary. Our topics include IACFP Board and leadership updates, notable research relevant to practitioners, and international topics of interest. 1. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR CORRECTIONAL AND FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY UPDATES The IACFP Board met on … [Read more...] about IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for March/April 2021
Rethinking Role of Police for Mental Health Response: Brookings Institute Highlights Crisis Team Models
A recent report published by the Brookings Institute focuses on the inadequate and sometimes deadly result of using police as first responders for people in need of immediate mental health response. The report's authors, Stuart M. Butler and Nehath Sheriff, argue that crisis situations wherein individuals may have behavioral or mental health needs require an approach that shifts police away from leading the response and instead uses mental health professionals and community resources to help individuals secure the care they need. The Data The authors cite several high-profile cases wherein police responded with force when encountering individuals with mental health or developmental issues. … [Read more...] about Rethinking Role of Police for Mental Health Response: Brookings Institute Highlights Crisis Team Models
Research to Advance Smart Decarceration Policies, Programs, and Interventions
After decades of not just increasing populations in prisons and jails in the United States but unconscionable mass incarceration, several different efforts began to reduce these numbers. Some efforts looked at policy; some at decision-making, and some looked at the bottom line, (i.e., the costs to continue mass incarceration). Nearly ten years ago the concept of “Smart Decarceration” was introduced. This article provides a summary of new research presented in Criminal Justice and Behavior Special Issue, Volume 48, Number 1, January 2021. What is Smart Decarceration? Decarceration is a descriptive term that is sometimes used to generically describe population reduction in secure … [Read more...] about Research to Advance Smart Decarceration Policies, Programs, and Interventions
The Implications of Neuroscience for the future of Criminal Justice and Prison Reform
In a Sept/Oct Newsletter contribution, I suggested that our brains’ reflexive amygdala-powered fear/anger responses to the prevailing views of criminals explained the persistence of America’s increasingly punitive “tough-on-crime” policies. Even with declining national crime rates in the U.S., offenders continue to face legal and social barriers to community reintegration, despite the fact that they had “done the time,” and America grapples with an enduring sociopolitical resistance to proposed criminal justice and prison reform interpreted to reflect a “soft on crime” attitude. In this article, I continue to examine the implications of neuroscience and brain functioning in influencing … [Read more...] about The Implications of Neuroscience for the future of Criminal Justice and Prison Reform
IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for the Start of 2021
We've compiled top highlights from news stories, research, and resources across the world in this month's IACFP International News summary. Our topics for the beginning of 2021 include IACFP leadership updates, student research awards, updates from the International Mental Health Leadership Network, new research, and COVID resources for practitioners. 1. IACFP Effective 1 January 2021, Jeffrey Pfeifer became the IACFP President and Frank Porporino moved to Past-President. The other members of the board’s executive committee are newly elected President-Elect, Sarah Shelton, Treasurer, Diane Williams, and Secretary, Richard Althouse. Jeffrey Metzner and Melvin Hinton were appointed to … [Read more...] about IACFP International News, Research, and Resources for the Start of 2021
Introducing Growth: Transforming Penal Reform Together
This article introduces the values and principles behind Growth and how penal reform can be realised through a Growth-based approach, emphasising the core conditions of transformative change. Gaining traction and building momentum for penal reform remains challenging; yet this article highlights how a new perspective on penal reform may help drive change and reduce social harm. This article proposes that prisons and penal organisations can be places of meaning, hope, and growth if core conditions of change are embraced to meet transformative ends. Start with the Why Growth is not solely about the rehabilitation of prisoners but instead focuses on growing an organisation and the … [Read more...] about Introducing Growth: Transforming Penal Reform Together
New Review Highlights Strategies for Managing COVID-19 in Correctional Facilities When Mental Illness Is a Factor
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world have had to identify, implement, and refine regulatory practices to help decrease the spread of the virus and mitigate the impact on healthcare facilities and personnel. A new rapid review conducted by researchers in Canada highlights strategies considered most effective in managing COVID-19 in correctional facilities and other secure units, specifically for individuals with mental health issues. Here, we provide a summary of key findings and recommendations from the research, published in Victims & Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy, and Practice. Research Context Measures … [Read more...] about New Review Highlights Strategies for Managing COVID-19 in Correctional Facilities When Mental Illness Is a Factor
Career Experiences and Lessons Learned About Criminal Justice Reform
Several months ago, Dr. Jeffrey L. Metzner was interviewed and asked about his career, advice to others in the early to mid-stage of career development, and recommendations for contributing to corrections’ system reform. He was gracious in his time and humble in describing the experiences that led to his current status of “expert” in the field. He was quick to point out the opportunities that he had to learn from others and how that may have shaped the trajectory of his career. Just the Basics Jeffrey L. Metzner, M.D., was appointed to the IACFP Board in 2018 and was recently reappointed to serve a second term. He received his M.D. from the University of Maryland Medical School and … [Read more...] about Career Experiences and Lessons Learned About Criminal Justice Reform
International Research and Resources for Criminal Justice Reform
In this article, we highlight international research and resources for practitioners in the field that feature criminal justice reform, including items focused on criminal justice and behavior, COVID, and race and racism. Criminal Justice and Behavior Robert Morgan, Editor of Criminal Justice and Behavior, introduced “At the Forefront” to provide readers of the journal with a concise, focused, expert review of emerging areas of criminal justice psychology. This month the focus is on systemic racial and ethnic disparities and whether risk assessments exacerbate them. The article, “Racist Algorithms or Systemic Problems? Risk Assessments and Racial Disparities,” was first published … [Read more...] about International Research and Resources for Criminal Justice Reform
Corrections Staff Well-Being During COVID-19: IACFP Webinar Highlights
Staff members in correctional facilities navigate a unique blend of challenges and rewards in their work. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, corrections staff well-being must be prioritized and met with effective organizational responses. IACFP recently brought together a panel of experts for the IACFP/ICPA webinar: "Staff Well-Being and Resilience in Correctional Environments - During and After a Pandemic." Here, we provide highlights from the webinar, including the impact of COVID-19 on staff, operational and mental health measures, coping strategies, and resources. The Impact of COVID-19 on Staff Although the work of corrections staff creates high levels of stress, the threat of … [Read more...] about Corrections Staff Well-Being During COVID-19: IACFP Webinar Highlights
Addressing Frontline Community Reintegration Officer Wellbeing
There exists a population of staff working in the corrections system who all manage common responsibilities, services, goals and participant demographics. These individuals, whom I have titled "Frontline Community Reintegration Officers" (FCRO), facilitate previous offender’s re-entry into the community outside of a correction, or prison facility. FCROs are an international workforce, operating in various countries including Canada, the USA, and Australia, despite utilising different role descriptors (e.g., forensic case manager, parole officer, community corrections worker). Staff falling into this category have received lesser research attention comparative to well-defined forensic … [Read more...] about Addressing Frontline Community Reintegration Officer Wellbeing