We've compiled top highlights from recent research, policy, and practice resources across the world for our latest IACFP International News summary. Our topics for August and September, 2022 include IACFP updates; new research on criminalization, rehabilitation, probation, and mental health; policy updates for reducing the risk of HIV in prison settings; resources for practice; and upcoming conferences.
1. IACFP Brief
- IACFP will be presenting the results of the first phase of the “Mental Health in Community Corrections—International Perspectives” project at the 5th World Congress in Ottawa, Canada on 30 September 2022.
- A call for nominations for IACFP President-elect, to serve a term beginning 1 January 2023, will be issued in September 2022.
- The 2022 IACFP Distinguished Scholar, Dr. Reuben Miller, will present the Distinguished Scholar Lecture during the upcoming ICPA Conference. The lecture will be delivered on 25 October 2022 in Orlando, Florida.
2. Research
- Criminological Highlights, Vol. 20, No. 2 – June 2022
View this issue as a pdf. This most recent issue of Criminological Highlights, published by the University of Toronto Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies, addresses the following questions:
- Why would many Black Americans prefer to be the victim of a serious crime than to be questioned by the police?
- Should people on parole be able to associate with friends who have criminal records?
- Why are increasing numbers of people in the US required to disclose their criminal records?
- Was legislative change necessary in Canada to increase the time in prison for those convicted of second degree murder?
- Can adult diversion programs accomplish the goal of reducing court caseload without increasing crime?
- Does having contact with the police in Grade 8 affect the likelihood being arrested at age 20?
- What kind of police training programs are effective in reducing tensions between police officers and the community?
- How can the mere fact of having a friend or relative with a criminal record disadvantage someone?
- Probation Journal, Vol. 69, No. 3 – September 2022
The most recent issue of the Probation Journal is a special issue that focuses on criminalization, criminal records, and rehabilitation. The articles include several which focus on citizenship, navigating the harms of criminalization (an even greater issue for those who experience serious mental health challenges), and the role of probation.
The book reviews include one on Halfway Home: Race, Punishment and the Afterlife of Mass Incarceration by Reuben Jonathan Miller. This book explores the intersection of racial and class-based inequalities with the effects of mass incarceration on communities. Dr. Miller is the 2022 IACFP Distinguished Scholar at the upcoming ICPA Conference. - Release – The Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research
The Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research has introduced a new project, Release. The project will explore how people access health services for their mental health and substance abuse challenges after release from prison in Scotland. The project team is diverse and represents many perspectives, including that of justice-involved individuals. This research will follow over the coming months.
3. Policy
- Technical Brief: Transgender People and HIV in Prisons and Other Closed Settings
A “Technical Brief: Transgender people and HIV in prisons and other closed settings” was recently published by UNODC, together with WHO, UNAIDS, UNDP and PRI. It is available here. The brief sets out guiding principles and targeted interventions aimed at supporting countries in reducing the risk of HIV infection and transmission, including among transgender people who are in prisons and other closed settings. It also aims to help policy makers better understand the needs of transgender people and the opportunities to incorporate evidence- and human rights-based practices and standards into policies and practices.
The National Commission on Correctional Health Care published a position statement, “Transgender and Gender Diverse Health Care in Correctional Settings” in 2020. It provides an excellent foundation for policy makers and practitioners to better understand the needs and standards of care for transgender individuals.
4. Practice
- CEP Study
The Confederation of European Probation is conducting a survey of probation practitioners beginning in September 2022 to determine knowledge of and attitudes toward mental illness in European probation services. The survey will utilize the Mental Health Literacy Scale. Additional information can be found here. The results are expected to be available early in 2023 and will provide a foundation for taking actions to support enhanced practice. - Resources
The Australasian Corrections Education Association and European Prison Education Association are both excellent resources (websites and sign-up for newsletters) for practitioners who may be providing programs to those with special learning challenges due to mental illness and to those experiencing mental health challenges.
5. Upcoming Conferences
- World Congress on Probation and Parole, September 28-October 1, 2022
The World Congress on Probation and Parole invites experts, researchers, and practitioners from around the world to promote and develop probation and community corrections through the sharing of practical and academic knowledge.
The theme of the event will be: “No One Left Behind: Building Community Capacity"
The Congress will explore the challenges, opportunities, and success stories involved in building community capacity and sustaining partnerships that support successful reintegration for diverse groups of offenders in an evolving global environment.

- International Corrections & Prisons Association, October 23-28, 2022
Join ICPA in Orlando, FL, for this year's annual conference. The theme for 2022 is "Excelling beyond the 'Old Normal': Corrections After the Global Pandemic." Call for papers is open through April 2022. Visit the ICPA website for more information.

For more information, go to www.icpa.org
February - April 2022: Call for Papers open
February 2022: Sponsorship/Exhibition Applications open
March - August 2022: Early-Bird Registrations
Venue and Accommodation
Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center
6000 West Osceola Parkway
Kissimmee, Florida 34746 USA