We've compiled top highlights from recent research, policy, and practice resources across the world for our latest IACFP International News summary. Our topics for May and June, 2023 include recent research; policy updates; considerations for practice; and upcoming conferences.
1. Research
- Recovering Identity—Criminalized Women’s Fight for Dignity and Freedom
Cesraéa Rumpf is the author of this book that captures the journey of formerly incarcerated women from their identities as criminals and addicts to rehabilitated and positively contributing to their families and communities. It chronicles their stories and analyzes the aspects of the criminal justice system that have failed them. It is an interesting study of race, gender, and culture. While the book is available for purchase, it is also available through open-access here. - Criminological Highlights, Vol. 20, No. 5, March 2023
The most recent issue of Criminological Highlights, Vol. 20, No. 5, March 2023 is available here. The eight articles summarized in this issue address a wide range of topics regarding research, policy, and practice in courts, prisons, and community corrections. Of particular interest to practitioners may be the article on the impact of a young person’s neighborhood on the likelihood they will engage in crime and the articles regarding the impact of racial disparities.
The questions answered in these articles are:
- How do the characteristics of a neighbourhood shape the perceptions that young people have about criminal offending?
- Why do we need to look beyond the decisions of judges to understand imprisonment rates?
- How do barriers to employment contribute to higher recidivism rates for racialized prisoners returning to the community?
- Why are some victims of sexual assault not believed?
- How do guns kill people even if the gun isn’t present when a person is shot?
- How do criminal record checks keep people from being employed before there is any contact between the employer and the job applicant?
- Why do Black youths receive harsher discipline at school even if their behaviour is no different from that of White youths?
- Are long prison stays effective in reducing crime?
2. Policy
- Justice Trends, Edition #10
The latest edition of Justice Trends is available at this link. This edition focuses on digital technologies and how jurisdictions are preparing to benefit from these resources, as well as how they are helping them to transform their systems. There are several noteworthy articles; however, the recommended one to start with is “Integration of Digital Thinking in Corrections.” - “Building Connections to Housing During Reentry—Results from a Questionnaire on DOC Housing Policies, Programs, and Needs”
This article, published in March 2023, is available at the Council of State Government Justice Center website, www.csgjusticecenter.org. The website also highlights the lessons learned from four states regarding collaboration with federal, local government, and NGOs to support housing during reentry. As noted in the recent IACFP report, “Mental Health and Community Corrections—International Perspectives,” housing and accommodations pose a major challenge for justice-involved individuals with mental illness and mental health challenges. - Memorandum for Understanding Signed by UNODC and UN Women
In March 2023, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) signed a new Memorandum of Understanding in New York. As stated in their press release:
“The agreement will provide a strong framework for UNODC and UN Women to work together to strengthen joint efforts in promoting gender equality and meeting the specific needs of women and girls when addressing the world drug problem; implementing the Women, Peace, and Security agenda; countering gender-based violence, organized crime, corruption, and terrorism; and strengthening crime prevention and building effective criminal justice systems. Recognizing the different ways in which women are affected by violence, corruption and other crimes is an essential step towards devising more effective strategies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 5 on Gender Equality and Goal 16 on Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.”
3. Practice
- Penal Reform Solutions Working for Culture Change within Prisons
Penal Reform Solutions has been working to support culture change within prisons over the last six years in a way that is truly transformational. They have now developed a leadership program to support this culture change. More information on the program is available here and on their website at www.penalreformsolutions.com. - Penal Reform International Newsletter
The most recent newsletter from Penal Reform International is available here. Readers may be especially interested in the article on non-custodial sanctions. The PRI website is a consistently excellent and timely resource regarding issues facing leaders and practitioners, as well as events designed to improve policy and practice.
4. Conferences
- NCCHC Correctional Mental Health Care Conference, July 15-16, 2023
For additional information on this conference, click here.
- American Correctional Association 153rd Congress of Correction Conference, August 10-13, 2023
This year's conference will take place in Philadelphia, PA. Additional information on the ACA Congress of Correction can be found here.
- NCCHC National Conference on Correctional Healthcare, September 30-October 4, 2023
More information on NCCHC's fall conference can be found at www.ncchc.org
- ICPA 2023 Conference, October 22-27, 2023
Registration is open for the ICPA 2023 Conference; additional information is available here. IACFP will be sponsoring the 2023 Distinguished Scholar Lecture, which will be announced in the next IACFP Bulletin.