The IACFP Bulletin is the bi-monthly communication of the International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology. It is issued six times per year in February, April, June, August, October and December. The newsletter publishes timely articles, summaries of CJB articles, international news, conference notices, and book reviews. Online access to past issues of the IACFP Bulletin are available to members in the Members Only Area of this website.
Association members and others interested in correctional mental health are encouraged to submit articles or other materials of interest to our readers. Please e-mail the IACFP Executive Director from our contact page for more information, including submission deadlines.
Among many topics of interest addressed in The IACFP Bulletin are:
- Evidence-informed practices and programs
- Interviews with outstanding researchers and practitioners
- Impact of bias in assessment and treatment
- Critical issues, such as suicide assessment and prevention, restrictive housing, and re-entry
- International resources
- Community corrections
- Criminal and juvenile justice reform
- Book reviews